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Just back from Nelson, and the family comes for lunch.
Nic and Bella from Sweden
with Prue and Charlie
Nic and Bella from Sweden
with Glen and Heather
Hazel and Peter from Hong Kong, with Louise and Vern.
Ulla and Bryan, Michael with Brinna, Tracy, Kristiaan and Kristina.

So what do we do in Kumeu in the summer,
Eat and drink with good friends.
Looking at the photos I realised I should have taken more, but sometimes I just get to busy cooking, eating and drinking and I forget the camera.

Well this January was rather exciting. We had an offer for our business, which fell through, but in the meantime we got a second offer, so between January 16 and February 1st. we sold the school side of the business. Peter kept the team photography part, about 20% of our business. That will keep him busy for a couple of month at the start of the year, and 3 month during the winter.

So with the negotiation and then the clean up of the offices January was not exactly a holiday, but very exciting.

We rented one of our units to the new owner, and are still trying to rent the second one. So Peter will have to work from home. I also got stuck into cleaning up at home throwing out all those things that haven't been used for years.

I promised to keep working for the new owner for some time, doing my photography and all the Id cards we are producing for the High Schools. Well we had a lot this year, so until this week I have not noticed my semi-retired state. Have worked harder than ever. But at last, I'm getting some spare time, hence the chance to update my web-pages.